Embleys Nurseries can supply plants for any location or purpose. Check through our plant guide or contact us for advice on your requirements. You can click on a link below to jump to that section.
Flowering Trees & Shrubs
We have flowering trees and shrubs for every month of the year.
Our staff are always on hand to guide you and provide advice on the right tree for your garden.

Fragrant Plants
Foliage and plants can be fragrant and a mix of fragrant plants and aromatic leaves can ensure fragrance all year round.
With a combination of perennial plants, bulbs, shrubs, climbers and trees your garden can be fragrant the whole year.
Visit us soon, we have a wide range of plants and roses, shrubs and trees of all sizes and for all locations.

Ground Cover
Ground cover plants provide greenery beneath taller shrubs and trees.
They can also provide cover for hiding tree stumps, unsightly objects such as manhole covers, edge shrubberies, and cover banks where maintenance is difficult.
Although they will help to control annual weeds, perennial weeds such as docks, couch grass, brambles and nettles must be sprayed or removed before planting.
We have perennials, shrubs, conifers and bamboos which can all provide effective ground cover.

Plants for Damp Sites
There are many plants which will thrive in damp conditions.
Although these plants will grow in damp soil VERY FEW will tolerate permanently waterlogged ground especially in winter.
Here are examples of some we can supply.
Bamboo – most varieties.
Shrubs – Amelanchier, Cornus, Physocarpus, Prunus Spinosa, Salix, Sambucus, Sorbaria, Spiraea, Viburnum.
Conifers – Metasequoia, Picea, Taxodium.
Trees – Alders, Birch, Hawthorn, Medlar, Poplar, Pear, Pin Oak, Rowan, Willow.

Plants to Encourage Wildlife
There are many plants which are useful in attracting wildlife to your garden.
Some varieties will provide shelter, nesting sites and food for birds, and others are excellent for attracting bees and butterflies.
We have a range of trees and shrubs which will ensure that your garden helps wildlife to thrive and in turn ensure your garden will flourish.

Plants for Coastal Areas
Trees , shrubs, climbing plants and hedges can all flourish in coastal areas.
Some may be tolerant of full exposure to salt laden winds whilst others may do well in shelter against a wall, building or fence.
Providing windbreaks in the form of hedges or netting will widen the range of plants that can be grown.
There is a surprisingly wide range of plants that can be used in coastal areas, please ask us for advice.